Robust and Reliable Environment Sensing and Situation Prediction
RobustSENSE develops a robust and reliable platform for automated driving. This platform addresses the problem that today’s driver assistance systems stop working in harsh environmental conditions like snow, rain or sun-flare. RobustSENSE enables better system operation by combining several independent subsystems to an integrated and comprehensive solution.
Today’s systems decide in a binary manner on function availability (left), RobustSENSE allows for adaptation to environment conditions at all levels through self-monitoring across the system (right).
RobustSENSE aims at enhancing the robustness of all sensing methods and algorithms required for advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving. The project will contribute to enhanced road safety with a more reliable, secure and trustable sensor platform:
- reliable for safe operation under all driving conditions;
- improving operability by self-diagnosis, adaptation and robustness;
- trustable on every level of assistance- and automated driving systems.
Project duration: 36 months
Runtime: 2015-06-01 to 2018-05-31
Project coordinator: Dr. Werner Ritter, Daimler AG
Partners: Daimler AG • AVL List GmbH • AVL Deutschland GmbH •
Robert Bosch GmbH • Centro Ricerche Fiat • Centro Tecnológico
de Automoción de Galicia • European Center for Information and
Communication Technologies – EICT GmbH • Fico Mirrors S.A. •
Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems •
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik • Modulight, Inc. •
Oplatek Group Oy • SICK AG • Universität Ulm •
Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT
Funding authorities: